2022 Update: 3D Imaging Technologies and Virtual Comparison Microscopy for Firearms Examination, A Landscape Study

Date August 2022 Overview The National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE), led by RTI International, provides resources that promote the use of technologies in the forensic community. This report is an update to a 2016…

Two-Pronged Study of Bullets Fired by Consecutively Rifled Barrels

← Back to Firearm and Toolmarks Webinar Series This webinar originally occurred on December 16, 2021 Duration: 1 hour Overview The 2016 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Report brought forensics, and specifically firearms identification, into the…
firearm & Ammo

Glock Pistol Toolmarks: A Literature Review and Introduction of Undocumented Toolmarks

← Back to Firearm and Toolmarks Webinar Series This webinar originally occurred on December 14, 2021 Duration: 1 hour Overview Glock pistols are well known for their generally distinctive class characteristics and the numerous toolmarks that they create on fired…

Success Story: Advancing 3D Virtual Microscopy for Firearm Forensics

National Institute of Justice and Cadre Forensics Date March 2019 Overview Examining bullets and cartridge cases from crime scenes can help link crimes, moving investigators one step closer to identifying a suspect. Firearm forensic analysis can also link recovered evidence…