Center for Forensic Science Research and Education


The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) has partnered with the Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFSRE) to help ensure the advancement of current forensic science research, practice, and technologies is explored and disseminated to professionals in the scientific and justice communities.

The CFSRE conducts research, development, and new technology assessment, and delivers educational and training services for the forensic science community and beyond. Their educational programs include short-term placement for visiting scholars and researchers; partnerships to deliver degree programs at area universities; and continuing professional development for forensic scientists, law enforcement, and legal professionals.

Scroll down to explore some of our most recent collaborations with the CFSRE. This partner page is updated regularly. You can also find the most recent deliverables from this partnership by searching “CFSRE” in our website search bar.


Implementation Workshop: TOF/QTOF Mass Spectrometry for Identification, Screening, and Confirmation in Forensic Toxicology and Chemistry

This virtual workshop aims to provide guidance to forensic science service providers (FSSPs) involved in the planning, purchase, use, or quality assurance surrounding Time-of-Flight and Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (TOF/QTOF-MS) instrumentation. The speakers for this workshop were selected with the goal of curating a panel of subject matter experts with many combined years of user experience to provide a multifaceted and in-depth perspective on the topic, without endorsing a particular vendor or instrument. Each presenter has a unique role within their respective organizations and can offer their own specialized perspectives on the topics that will be discussed. In sum, this virtual workshop event aims to equip attendees with an understanding to support the effective and efficient integration of TOF/QTOF-MS systems into FSSP operations.

Three Part Online Workshop Series: Best Practices Guidance for Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Synthetic Drug Epidemic

This online workshop series is focused on sharing information with the forensic analytical community to promote improved capabilities for novel psychoactive substances (NPS) detection and measurement, as well as outreach to human and public health agencies and practitioners to promote better understanding of patterns of NPS use, diagnosis and treatment in the emergency room, and understanding of their role in determination of cause and manner of death, by collating and sharing information with emergency room physicians, medical toxicologists, and epidemiologists. The goal of this workshop series is to provide resource materials and promote a better understanding to the forensic science practitioner community of evidence based best practices regarding the synthetic drug epidemic.

Session I Session II Session III
The Synthetic Drug Crisis - Identifying NPS in Forensic Casework Analysis of NPS - Practical Considerations and Analytical Approaches Interpretative Toxicology for NPS in Forensic Casework


Interlaboratory Comparison of SpermX and Conventional Differential Extractions

Interlaboratory Comparison of SpermX and Conventional Differential Extractions

Scientists from three participating laboratories - University of Central Florida (UCF), Center for Forensic Science Research and Education (CFSRE), and InnoGenomics (IGT) - presented results obtained from mock sexual assault samples analyzed using the SpermX (SX) method and their in-house differential extraction (DE) method. All three laboratories processed identical sets of female:male mixture swabs at various ratios in triplicate and presented their experiences and insights from this study.

Novel Psychoactive Substance Naming Conventions & Challenges

Novel Psychoactive Substance Naming Conventions & Challenges

Understandably, because the novel psychoactive substances (NPS) drug landscape is complex, so is the development of a well-recognized name. A comprehensive NPS background and a sophisticated understanding of chemistry are necessary to adapt and apply these naming schemes, especially when new drugs emerge that have yet to be named. This webinar reviewed a few examples of how one might approach the naming of a newly discovered NPS and what resources are available to assist in this process.

The Next Wave: Applying Lessons Learned from Opioids and PolyDrug Critical Incidents in Addressing Emerging Drug Threats

The Next Wave: Applying Lessons Learned from Opioids and PolyDrug Critical Incidents in Addressing Emerging Drug Threats

By participating in this webinar, participants were able to discuss the breadth, diversity, and array of substance and substance combinations as well as the latest trends in novel psychoactive substances contributing to our current substance abuse pandemic. Dr. Barry Logan provided a comprehensive overview of current drugs of abuse relating to prevalence and ingestion combinations in post-mortem and human performance populations and discussed threats posed to users by those substances.

Emerging Research in Toxicology & Drugs

Emerging Research in Toxicology & Drugs

Four researchers present current research in toxicology and seized drugs disciplines. Presentations include topics on the development and validation of a novel blood protein modification assay for retrospective detection of drug exposure, the retrospective identification of synthetic cannabinoids using archived high resolution mass spectrometry data, the development of matrix matched quality control materials and sample preparation techniques for the analysis of marijuana infused products, and coupling Raman spectroscopy with ambient sampling, portable mass spectrometry for on-site, high-throughput evidence confirmation.

Novel Forensic Chemistry Research from Early-Career Scientists

Novel Forensic Chemistry Research from Early-Career Scientists

Early-career researchers present novel projects in forensic chemistry, with topics including the use of a LC-QTOF assay for the discovery of emerging NPS, stability of synthetic cathinones in blood using LC/Q-TOF-MS, stability of synthetic piperazines in human whole blood under various storage conditions over time, Phase I metabolism of Desomorphine, segmental analysis of GHB in human head hair, and development of a Raman (SERS) based alternative to immunoassays.

Fentalogs – Pharmacology, Toxicology & Analytical Approaches

Fentalogs – Pharmacology, Toxicology & Analytical Approaches

This webinar will review the structural families of the fentanyl analogs, and aspects of their chemistry that assists in their detection and identification. Additionally, it describes analytical methods for the screening and confirmation of fentanyl and its analogs, considerations about methods and detection limits, the challenges of separating close structural isomers, and the interpretation of toxicological results for priority fentanyl derived drugs, their metabolites, and emerging related compounds.

Novel Psychoactive Substances Discovery Toolkit

NPS Discovery Toolkit for Designing and Implementing Testing for New and Emerging Psychoactive Drugs

The purpose of the toolkit is to help navigate experienced toxicologists through the process of deciding 1) how to update their NPS analytical scope; 2) how to design and optimize analytical methods; 3) how to validate methods efficiently and in line with recommended best practices; and finally 4) how to implement some strategies for interpretation when these drugs appear in casework. The toolkit provides general advice and guidance, methods surveillance and scope analysis, targeted methods development and validation approaches, and resources for toxicological interpretation.


Just The Importance of Identifying Emerging Drug Threats

Listen along as Amanda Mohr and Dr. Alex Krotulski discuss NPS Discovery, analytical challenges associated with novel psychoactive substances, and the value of community partnerships. 

Just Electronic Dance Music Festivals

Listen along as Amanda Mohr and Dr. Alex Krotulski discuss their NIJ funded research titled Evaluating Trends in Novel Psychoactive Substances Using a Sentinel Population of Electronic Dance Music Festival Attendees. 

Just Classifying Emerging Compounds

Listen along as Dr. Barry Logan discusses the convergence of drivers of the national opioid epidemic and learn what’s in these novel compounds, and why it matters to illicit drug manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and local crime labs. 


Technical Note – The Use of Neutral Losses and Common Fragments Screening by QTOF in Forensic Laboratories

This document describes the process from sample introduction to TOF analysis, methods of targeted and untargeted screening, and methods of inputting common fragments and neutral losses (CF/NL) into processing by batch or individual sample. Additionally, this resource contains a modified version of CFSRE Neutral Loss and Common Fragments List with calculated fields for CFs and NLs. 

Reports of Adverse Events Associated with Use of Novel Psychoactive Substances

An important role of modern forensic and clinical toxicologists is to monitor the adverse events of novel psychoactive substances (NPS). Following a prior review from 2013-2016, the primary objective of the 2017-2020 Review is to assist in the assessment and interpretation of these cases as well as provide references for confirmation methods.

Funding for these Forensic Technology Center of Excellence resources has been provided by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar series are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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