dried marijuana plants/ two scientists examining living marijuana plants/ glass test tubes in a machine

The Sequel – Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis

← View the Previous Marijuana or Hemp Webinar This webinar originally occurred on March 25, 2020 Duration: 2 hours Overview Due to the overwhelming attendance and interaction for the first Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis webinar that was…
two people riding tandem bicycle

Recent Advances in Tandem Separation and Detection Techniques for the Analysis of Emerging Drugs

This webinar originally occurred on March 19, 2020 Duration: 1 hour Overview The use of tandem separation and detection techniques can be thought of as a tandem bicycle: one passenger is the separation technique and the other passenger is the…
scientists in laboratory/marijuana flower

ASCLD Train the Director – Marijuana Analysis in a New Frontier: Two State Laboratory Approaches

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 5th, 2020 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview After the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill) was enacted in December 2018, many states rushed to make changes to their own laws…

The hidden costs of the opioid crisis and the implications for financial management in the public sector

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, September 2019 Authors Jeri D. Ropero-Miller | RTI International Paul J. Speaker | John Chambers College of Business & Economics Abstract The November 2017 release of the Council of Economic Advisers’ White House report on…

2019 National Institute of Justice Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium

Date February 2019 Overview The 2019 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Forensic Science Research and Development (R&D) Symposium is intended to promote collaboration and enhance knowledge transfer of NIJ-funded research. The NIJ Forensic Science R&D Program funds both basic or…
dried marijuana plants/ two scientists examining living marijuana plants/ glass test tubes in a machine

Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis

This webinar originally occurred on January 15, 2020 Duration: 2 hours Overview Attendees heard from experts in agricultural policy, hemp industry analytical testing, and the DEA Special Testing and Research laboratory to obtain a better understanding of the issues that…
Custom graphics with the words Global Monitoring/ Substance Identification, Trend Analysis, Toxicology Portal, Risk Communication, Prioritization for International Action, and National Legislative Responses

UNODC Early Warning Alert System: Forensic Tools for New Psychoactive Substances

← Back to Series  This webinar originally occurred on December 3, 2019 Duration: 1 hour Overview The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Early Warning Advisory (EWA) on new psychoactive substances (NPS) was launched in June 2013 as…
a field of red flowers

Forensic Epidemiology: Monitoring Fatal Drug Overdose Trends

← Back to Series  This webinar originally occurred on February 11, 2020 Duration: 1 hour Overview Given the vital role of medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) in recognizing emerging trends in drug overdose deaths, partnering epidemiologists with ME/C offices can…