
Just Hairy Isotopes

Just Hairy Isotopes

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Original Release Date: June 26, 2017

In episode ten of Just Science, we spoke with Dr. Gwyneth Gordon, from Arizona State University. Dr. Gordon and her team have developed methods to use the isotopic abundance of elements in hair to learn more about the history of an individual. This NIJ funded research, used in the investigation of unidentified dead, isotopic analysis will measures strontium, trace elements, and even rare earth minerals to shed light on diet, birthplace and residential history.

This episode of Just Science is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence [Award 2016-MU-BX-K110].

Listen to or download the episode here:

Guest Biography

Dr. Gwyneth Gordon, Arizona State University, works on a variety of projects, involving analysis of radiogenic and mass-dependent isotopes. She has been a pioneer in developing the Mo and U isotope proxies for oxygenation levels in marine sediments in the early Earth.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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