
Just Workplace Stress and Its Impact on Decision-Making in Forensics

Just Workplace Stress and Its Impact on Decision-Making in Forensics

Original Release Date: May 12, 2023

In this Special Release episode, Just Science sat down with Dr. Mohammed Almazrouei, a forensic practitioner with the Abu Dhabi Police, to discuss his dissertation work, which examines how workplace stressors may affect decision-making in the field of forensic science. 

In their daily jobs, forensic science practitioners are tasked with making countless decisions that could make a large impact on people’s lives. As a result of this experience in forensic science, Dr. Almazrouei conducted a pivotal research study to examine how stress affects the way that forensic practitioners make these important decisions. Listen along as Dr. Almazrouei highlights some of the most salient workplace stressors in forensic science, how those stressors affect decision-making, and how he has laid the foundation for future research on this topic. 

This episode of Just Science is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (Award #: 15PNIJ-21-GK-02192-MUMU).

Some content in this podcast may be considered sensitive and may evoke emotional responses, or may not be appropriate for younger audiences. 

Listen to or download the episode here:

View or download the episode transcript here:

Episode Citation

Slack, D., & Almazrouei, M. (2023, May 12). Just Science. Just Workplace Stress and Its Impact on Decision-Making in Forensics. [Audio podcast episode]. The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence.

Guest Biography

Dr. Mohammed Almazrouei has recently completed a Ph.D. on forensic decision-making at UCL Centre for the Forensic Sciences, under the supervision of Professor Ruth Morgan and Dr. Itiel Dror. His research focused on the possible sources and impacts of workplace stress on decision-making in forensic science. Dr. Almazrouei has published six peer-reviewed articles describing his research on stress and feedback in forensic decision-making and presented in several international conferences to forensic service providers on these topics. During his Ph.D. program, Dr. Almazrouei was selected to be part of a prestigious exchange program, allowing him to conduct research at Yale University. Dr. Almazrouei is also a forensic practitioner in the Biology Section of Abu Dhabi Police Forensic Evidence Department, UAE. He is an affiliate member of the OSAC Human Factors Task Group, embedded within the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Dr. Almazrouei also holds a bachelor’s degree in forensic science-applied chemistry from University of Technology, Sydney and a master’s degree in crime scene investigation from George Washington University. 

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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