
Just Collecting Fingerprints Without Contact

Just Collecting Fingerprints Without Contact

Original Release Date: November 17, 2023

In episode seven of our Case Studies season, Just Science sat down with Ross Krewenka, Product Manager for IDEMIA, and Mike Ransom, Automated Print Manager for the Michigan State Police, to discuss the development and use cases of contactless fingerprint capture technology.

Traditionally, ink and paper are used to capture fingerprints from subjects; however, advances in technology have made it possible to document fingerprints electronically. Furthermore, technological advancements have even made it possible to capture fingerprints without subjects physically encountering fingerprint sensors or being touched by law enforcement. Listen along as Ross and Mike describe the process of adapting industry fingerprint technology to the public safety field, how contactless fingerprint capture technology can benefit individuals with special needs and preferences, and the impact of this technology on the future of identification.

This episode is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (Award No. 15PNIJ-21-GK-02192-MUMU). 

Some content in this podcast may be considered sensitive and may evoke emotional responses, or may not be appropriate for younger audiences. 

Listen to or download the episode here:

View or download the episode transcript here:

Episode Citation

McKay, J., Krewenka, R., & Ransom, M. (2023, November 17). Just Science. Just Collecting Fingerprints Without Contact. [Audio podcast episode]. Forensic Technology Center of Excellence.

Guest Biography

Ross Krewenka is a Product Manager for IDEMIA responsible for their Mobile Solutions product portfolio which includes IDEMIA’s Mobile Biometric Check, Mobile ID, and Mobile ID Verify mobile apps. Mr. Krewenka has been working as a Product Manager for over 15 years and has extensive experience launching innovative mobile applications. In addition to IDEMIA's line of mobile solutions, Ross also has experience managing IDEMIA's facial recognition software as well as their latent fingerprint investigation application.

Michael (Mike) Ransom has worked for the Michigan State Police (MSP) for 18 years. He started working in the Crash Unit working with statistics and training on how to properly fill out a crash form. Mike’s current title is Automated Print Manager, and his primary responsibilities include supervising all things livescans, mobile ID, and interfacing booking systems. Before MSP, Mike held a position as a computer programmer with Electronic Data Systems. Mike also proudly served in the United States Marines as a medic and participated in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Fiery Vigil during his tour. His son Andrew, better known as Bubba, was the inspiration behind the Bubba Bill/Vulnerable Impaired Person’s (VIP) law that went into effect in Michigan in 2017.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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