
Just Forensics in the Digital Age

Just Forensics in the Digital Age

Original Release Date: November 3, 2023

In episode five of our Case Studies season, Just Science sat down with Dr. Justin Schorr, Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer, and Tim Primrose, Mobile Forensic Analyst, at DJS Associates, Inc. to discuss utilizing digital evidence in real-world cases.

In the digital age, forensic technology has broad applications for investigations. From cell phone, social media account, and car infotainment system data to three-dimensional modeling for crime scene reconstruction, technology is becoming a staple in forensics. Listen along as Dr. Schorr and Tim describe what kinds of digital evidence is applicable to investigations, the limitations and court considerations for forensic technology, and case examples on how mobile forensics and reconstruction simulations were effectively used to further investigations.

This episode is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (Award No. 15PNIJ-21-GK-02192-MUMU). 

Some content in this podcast may be considered sensitive and may evoke emotional responses, or may not be appropriate for younger audiences. 

Listen to or download the episode here:

View or download the episode transcript here:

Episode Citation

McKay, J., Schorr, J., & Primrose, T. (2023, November 3). Just Science. Just Forensics in the Digital Age. [Audio podcast episode]. The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence.

Guest Biography

Dr. Justin Schorr earned his doctorate in civil and environmental (transportation) engineering in 2015 from The George Washington University (GW). He accredits his most valuable training to his father and grandfather, both of whom were industry leaders in collision reconstruction. Now the Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer and President of DJS Associates, Inc., Dr. Schorr specializes in traffic engineering, intelligent transportation systems, and collision reconstruction. Previously an adjunct professor at GW, Dr. Schorr has brought his engaging style of teaching to the legal, insurance, and engineering communities, offering continuing education and continuing legal education accredited seminars on topics including Automated Vehicles, Technology in Collision Reconstruction, and Engineering Animations.

Tim Primrose earned his bachelor’s degree in Digital Forensics, with a focus on Information and Technology Management, from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania. As a Mobile Forensic Analyst, Mr. Primrose handles securing, imaging, and analyzing mobile devices for the municipal, legal, and insurance industries. His services include the review and analysis of digital evidence casefile materials; securing, extracting, and storing digital data evidence; and creating, finalizing, maintaining, and executing formal documentation including chain of custody, consent, and release forms. Mr. Primrose is a trained Operator, Physical Analyst, and Advanced Smartphone Analyst by Cellebrite.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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