A Technical Evaluation of Crime Scene Imaging Technologies

Date December 2013 Overview Digital crime scene documentation has become an essential component in criminal investigations and the judicial process. In fact, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) imaging technologies allow law enforcement personnel to skillfully create high-resolution, 360 degree images or…

Understanding Basic Statistical Concepts: Fingerprints

Overview Fingerprint conclusions are expert judgments. These specific types of judgments may be more appropriately termed as inferences, or subjective probabilities, where frequency rates have not been able to be calculated. For over a hundred years researchers have attempted to…

Genome ID Forum 2014 – The Critical Role of SNPs in the Future of Forensics

Overview Originally presented at the 2014 Genome ID Forum, this presentation appraises the potential value of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as applied to forensic analysis, including ancestry inference, phenotypic inference and individual identification. The discussion focuses strongly on the relevance…

Multidisciplinary Sexual Violence Glossary

About the Multidisciplinary Sexual Violence Glossary The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) in collaboration with the Center for Nursing Excellence International (CFNEI) has developed a sexual violence online glossary for medical, law enforcement, and legal professionals. Effective communication among…

Technical Advances in the Visual Documentation of Crime Scenes

Overview Practitioners overview various scanning technologies. An introduction is provided by Michelle Peace and Lyndsay Durham, and Marilyn Miller provides the context of documentation. The Virginia Department of Forensic Science reviews SceneVision-Panorama, Roanoke and Arlington County Police Departments reviews Panoscan,…