lights and soundwaves

Module 8: Probabilistic Genotyping Summation and Special Topics

← Back to Series  This module originally occurred on July 17, 2019 Duration: 4 hours Overview Module 8: Probabilistic Genotyping Summation and Special Topics Throughout the Probabilistic Genotyping of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results virtual workshop series, we have reviewed aspects of DNA…
old hand holding young hand

Cradle to Cane: Investigation of Crimes Against Vulnerable Victims

This webinar originally occurred on March 21-23, 2017 Duration: 14 hours Overview: In 2017, the National Institute of Justice, Charleston Southern University, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence, and the Shaken Baby Alliance worked together to create and host “From Cradle to Cane: Investigation of Crimes…
a series of question marks

MODULE 7: Uncertainty and Limitations of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems

← Back to Series  This module originally occurred on June 26, 2019 Duration: 4 hours Overview Module 7: Uncertainty and Limitations of Probabilistic Genotyping Systems Has a person of interest contributed DNA to a mixture obtained from evidence? Is that…