Data points

Success Story: Revolutionizing Laboratory Efficiency Assessments Through Project FORESIGHT

National Institute of Justice and West Virginia University Date March 2020 Overview Crime laboratories are expected to provide consistent and high quality services across multiple domains to criminal justice stakeholders, even though these laboratories may have limited resources and constrained budgets.…
Silhouette of two people beside building on fire

Modifications to Capillary Microextraction in Volatiles for the Extraction of Ignitable Liquid Residues

← Additional Portable Instrumentation for On-Scene Fire Debris Analysis Resources Date March 2020 Overview This report summarizes the development and implementation of a novel sampling device (capillary microextraction of volatiles ) invented in the Almirall research group at Florida International…
dried marijuana plants/ two scientists examining living marijuana plants/ glass test tubes in a machine

The Sequel – Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis

← View the Previous Marijuana or Hemp Webinar This webinar originally occurred on March 25, 2020 Duration: 2 hours Overview Due to the overwhelming attendance and interaction for the first Marijuana or Hemp: From Farm Bill to Forensic Analysis webinar that was…
two people riding tandem bicycle

Recent Advances in Tandem Separation and Detection Techniques for the Analysis of Emerging Drugs

This webinar originally occurred on March 19, 2020 Duration: 1 hour Overview The use of tandem separation and detection techniques can be thought of as a tandem bicycle: one passenger is the separation technique and the other passenger is the…