Webinar: 2016 NSAPS Panel 4 – Legislative Reform on Sexual Assault [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. This panel discussed new legislative and policy reforms undertaken or underway…

Webinar: 2016 NSAPS Panel 10 – Collaboration to Improve SA Response [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. The panel showcased how a multi-disciplinary team addressed a large number…

Webinar: 2016 NSAPS Day 2 – Opening Remarks [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. Day two of the National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium started with…

Webinar: 2016 NSAPS Day 2 – Guest Speaker with Alicia D. O’Neill [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium had the pleasure of hosting…

Webinar: 2016 NSAPS Day 1 – Opening Remarks [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. This group of esteemed speakers kicked off the 2016 National Sexual…

Webinar: 2016 NIJ R&D Series Controlled Substances & Toxicology [Archival]

Overview Afternoon Session II: Controlled Substances & Toxicology The NIJ Research and Development (R&D) Program funds both basic or applied R&D projects that will: (1) increase the body of knowledge to guide and inform forensic science policy and practice, or…

Webinar: u-XRF of glass – Practical Explanation of ASTM E2926 [Archival]

Recent studies have shown that micro-XRF is a very discriminating technique for glass samples. ASTM method E2926-13 (Standard Test Method for Forensic Comparison of Glass Using Micro X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry) was developed based on this research to assist analysts in…