Webinar: Project FORESIGHT Overview [Archival]

Overview Participating laboratories have been able to increase efficiency, reduce turnover, increase internal satisfaction and corresponding compensation, and reconsider strategic priorities for enhanced contributions to the justice system. In this webinar, Project FORESIGHT is detailed along with several success stories…

Webinar: Pills & Particles – Toxicology and Linking Trace Evidence [Archival]

Overview This archival portion of the 2013 R&D Seminar Series covers the following presentations: Prediction of Drug Interactions with Methadone, Buprenorphine and Oxycodone from in vitro Inhibition of Metabolism – David Moody Pattern Recognition Assisted Infrared Library Searching to Enhance…

Webinar: R&D 2014 – Novel Techniques and Tools for Forensic Analysis – Part II [Archival]

Overview These archival presentations are part of a Seminar Series from the presenters that were involved in the 2014 NIJ Grantees Conference held in Seattle, Washington. This session hosted the following presenters: Fluorescent metal Indicators for the Presumptive Identification of…

Webinar: R&D 2014 – Novel Techniques and Tools for Forensic Analysis – Part I [Archival]

Overview This archival portion of the 2014 R&D Seminar Series covers the following presentations: Combining Strontium and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Hair for Human Provenancing from Brett Tipple. The Evaluation of Laser Diode Thermal Desorption (LDTD) for High Throughput Analysis…

Webinar: Genome ID Forum 2014 – National Commission on Forensic Science & OSAC – 2014 Update [Archival]

Overview Originally presented at the 2014 Genome ID Forum, John Butler from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides an update on the current activities of the National Commission on Forensic Science (NCFS) and Organization of Scientific Area…

Webinar: Managing Customer Expectations and Education [Archival]

Overview This archived webinar is the third in ASCLD’s webinar series, “Confronting Crime Laboratory Backlogs: Causes, Solutions, Expectations.” Laboratories can better manage customer expectations and work collaboratively with them to economize and prioritize the delivery of forensic science services in…

Webinar: Investigating Sexual Violence – Policy Forum: Emerging Solutions and Best Practices [Archival]

Overview This is the archival version of a two-hour Policy and Practices Forum which brings together experienced and knowledgeable subject matter experts in various fields contributing to the investigation and processing of cases involving sexual violence. The investigation of sexual…

Webinar: How to Increase your Staff without Increasing Budget [Archival]

Overview This archival webinar, the sixth in ASCLD’s webinar series, Confronting Crime Laboratory Backlogs: Causes, Solutions, Expectations. This webinar covers the methods for increasing your staff without increasing your budget. These methods have been proven successful within a state government…