
The New Mexico Decedent Image Database Webinar Series

The New Mexico Decedent Image Database Webinar Series


The New Mexico Decedent Image Database (NMDID) is a new resource for research in any field that can draw on computed tomography scans of humans. The database contains de-identified scans of over 15,000 individuals; all were deceased at the time of scanning. Nearly all images are of complete individuals. The scans are supplemented by up to 69 in-depth metadata variables. These include basic demographic and descriptive information, such as sex, age at death, and cause and manner of death. Additional data may include occupation, hobbies, drinking, smoking, drug use, and many other lifestyle variables.


Overview of Accessing the NMDID Database and Searching
This webinar originally occurred on October 7, 2020
Presenter: Heather J.H. Edgar, Ph.D., D-ABFA

Accessing and Utilizing Metadata from NMDID
This webinar originally occurred on October 14, 2020
Presenter: Dr. Shamsi Daneshvari Berry

Opening and Viewing NMDID Image Data
This webinar originally occurred on October 21, 2020
Presenter: Natalie L. Adolphi, Ph.D.

Taking 3D Measurements with NMDID Images
This webinar originally occurred on October 28, 2020
Presenter: Rachel A. Menegaz, Ph.D.

Related Resources

Funding for this Forensic Technology Center of Excellence webinar series has been provided by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this webinar series are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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