
Opportunities for NIJ Grantee Community Support

Opportunities for NIJ Grantee Community Support

Driving forensic research to practice is a community effort. Support from practitioners, vendors, and other stakeholders help researchers develop value-adding innovation. Please consider how you may be able to assist NIJ grantees with specific needs to advance their work.

GrantAffiliationDisciplineContact Need
2017-DN-BX-0164/2019-DU-BX-0023George Washington UniversityDNAlblume@rti.orgSeeking to connect with different academic and industry stakeholders to gain consensus on their needs, requirements, and decision making parameters for several technological aspects of a DNA diagnostic kit.
2013-DN-BX-K033Virginia Commonwealth UniversityDNAlblume@rti.orgSeeking to connect and form strategic partnerships and alliances with interested agencies and/or crime labs to help fine-tune the pre-commercial development of a DNA mixture analysis test kit.
2015-MU-MU-K026Virginia Commonwealth UniversityDNAlblume@rti.orgSearching for accredited forensic labs, working on fingerprint and touch samples analysis, to re-validate a novel DNA mixture assay kit using ABI’s new quant Studio qPCR platform
2017-NE-BX-0004Stanford UniversityDNArsatcher@rti.orgSeeking development partners to advance prototype for novel oligosaccharide Sialyl‐ LewisX (SLeX) technology that binds specifically to sperm, separates non-sperm contents, and takes images on a portable cellphone-integrated imaging platform.   
2017-NE-BX-0007InnoGenomics TechnologiesDNArsatcher@rti.orgSeeking external validation partners to confirm robustness of novel polymer filter technology that separates sperm cells from sexual assault samples.
2019-DU-BX-0019Montana State University Crime Scene Seeking video and audio data from past crime investigations to help “train” a model of an audio forensics tool, especially video and audio recordings of the same forensic incident.
2018-DU-BX-0212Indiana UniversityImpression Pattern Evidencenjones@rti.orgSeeking to recruit footwear, toolmark, and fingerprint examiners for an online experiment to determine how examiners use different conclusion scales.
2017-NE-BX-0001Florida International UniversityDNArsatcher@rti.orgSeeking laboratories that are interested in collaborating to test and try out an epigenetic multiplex kit for different experiments and provide feedback.
2017-R2-CX-0019Sam Houston State UniversityToxicologyrshute@rti.orgSeeking samples from laboratory to test for synthetic opioids in oral fluid. Her method of obtaining samples from sensitive populations such as arrestees and prison populations has been impacted by COVID-19.