The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) has partnered with West Virginia University to help ensure the advancement of current forensic science research, practice, and technologies is explored and disseminated to professionals in the scientific and justice communities.
As a land-grant institution, the faculty, staff and students at West Virginia University commit to creating a culture that advances education, healthcare and prosperity for all by providing access and opportunity; by advancing high-impact research; and by leading transformation in West Virginia and the world through local, state and global engagement. They are purposeful in their studies and work so that they can partner with their communities – both near and far – to bring needed and valued solutions to real-life problems within the pillars of education, healthcare, prosperity and purpose.
Scroll down to explore some of our most recent collaborations with West Virginia University. This partner page is updated regularly. You can also find the most recent deliverables from this partnership by searching “West Virginia University” in our website search bar.
FITS—Functional Implementation of Thorough and Systematic Approaches for Fracture Examinations
FITS—Functional Implementation of Thorough and Systematic Approaches for Fracture Examinations
This webinar discusses the separation of materials such as tape, plastics, and textiles from their original source frequently occurs during violent activities, leaving distinct patterns along the fractured edges. These features assist examiners in determining if two pieces were once joined together, also known as a "physical fit." This webinar presents the findings of an NIJ-funded project aimed at assessing the strength of trace evidence fracture fits through a practical, comprehensive, systematic, and quantifiable approach.
Exploration of Breech Face Subclass Characteristics
Exploration of Breech Face Subclass Characteristics
The objectives of this study are to assess the production of subclass characteristics during the manufacturing of breech faces by three different methods, observe how well subclass characteristics persist on manufactured breech faces with and without any finishing methods, and observe the effect of the primer on the quality/quantity of the breech face impression. The class, subclass, and individual marks are transferred to a cartridge case through the breech face impression upon discharge. We propose subclass characteristics are also produced when breech faces are manufactured with a broach, lathe, or endmill.
Structural Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs by Mass Spectrometry
Structural Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs by Mass Spectrometry
The main focus of this webinar is on the use of isotope labeling, multi-stage mass spectrometry (MSn), ion spectroscopy, and accurate mass measurements with high resolution mass spectrometry to demonstrate some important—but previously unidentified—rearrangement mechanisms in the spectra of cathinones and fentanyl analogs. Although many of these techniques are not available to practitioners, the results provide compelling evidence to support the fragmentation mechanisms and pathways observed every day by practitioners.
Utilization of Organic Constituents into GSR Analysis
Utilization of Organic Constituents into GSR Analysis
This webinar presents the utilization of organic constituents into gunshot residue analysis. This innovative technology involves experimental and modeling studies used to elucidate characteristics of skin permeation of five compounds present in organic gunshot residue.
Project FORESIGHT Overview
Project FORESIGHT Overview
Participating laboratories have been able to increase efficiency, reduce turnover, increase internal satisfaction and corresponding compensation, and reconsider strategic priorities for enhanced contributions to the justice system. In this webinar, Project FORESIGHT is detailed along with several success stories and offers the entre’ for potential participation. Success stories include laboratories with dramatic increases in compensation to accompany improved performance; greater participation in decision-making for improved performance and greater internal satisfaction; and individual laboratory inquiries to solve local issues. Finally, the webinar offers the opportunity for any forensic laboratory to get involved without any direct costs, yet reap the benefits of the project analysis.

- Just Budgets | Dr. Paul Speaker discusses the FORESIGHT program
- Just Motivational Leadership | Martina Bison-Huckaby examines crime laboratory leadership techniques
- Just Opioid Financial Burden on Crime Labs | Dr. Paul Speaker delves into the opioid crisis
- Just FORESIGHT on Sexual Assault Kits | Dr. Paul Speaker explores the ROI for DNA Databases
- Just Detecting Gunshot Residue | Dr. Suzanne Bell discusses liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
- Just Quick Screening Methods for Firearm Discharge Residues | Dr. Tatiana Trejos discusses chemometrics
- Just Higher Education and the CSI Effect | Dr. Sarah Williams & Dr. Keith Morris examine forensic science Ph.Ds.
- Just Trace Evidence from Classroom to Courtroom | Dr. Brooke Kammrath & Dr. Tatiana Trejos discuss career paths
- Intelligence and the Value of Forensic Science
- The Sentinel Role of Forensic Toxicology Laboratories to Identify and Act Upon Diverse Drug Threats by Addressing Toxicology and Economic Demands
- FLN-TWG: Updating Data Collection for Digital Evidence Casework in Project FORESIGHT
- Medical Examiner and Coroner Outsourcing Study – A Qualitative Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Success Story: Revolutionizing Laboratory Efficiency Assessments Through Project FORESIGHT
- Evaluation of Existing Technologies for Novel Analysis and Probabilistic Interpretation of Organic Gunshot Residue
- Organic GSR Analysis for Potential Shooter Determination
FORESIGHT Digital Evidence
FORESIGHT Digital Evidence – Creation & Data Gathering was funded to improve Project FORESIGHT. The funding led to the creation of the Laboratory Reporting and Analysis Tool for Digital Evidence (LabRAT DE), designed to capture the suggestions from the Forensic Laboratory Needs Technology Working Group (FLN-TWG). LabRAT DE simplifies the reporting of financial data and updates the data collected on casework. View a guided demonstration through the workbook led by Paul Speaker.
Workforce Calculator Project
The workforce calculator project follows a two-year timeline to produce a workforce calculator for metropolitan, regional, and state forensic crime laboratories or laboratory systems. The calculator permits laboratories to identify the personnel required to support a given level of casework within each area of investigation and the associated investment in capital equipment to support that level of activity. The first year produced an initial working tool (Beta Calculator), based upon a decade of performance of the most efficient laboratories from Project FORESIGHT. The second year of analysis permitted enough time to develop a more sustainable and more detailed econometric analysis as a long-term planning tool.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Conference
2021 American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Conference
- The ROI from Reducing Turnaround Time for Processing DUI: Drug Cases | Dr. Paul Speaker
Impression, Pattern and Trace Evidence Symposium
2018 Impression, Pattern and Trace Evidence Symposium (IPTES)
- Transfer and Persistence of Glass Fragments: Experimental Studies Involving Vehicle and Container Glass | Tatiana Trejos, Ph.D.
- Identification of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues by Electrochemical and Spectrochemical Methods | Tatiana Trejos, Ph.D.
- Evaluation of Error Rates in the Determination of Duct Tape Fracture Matches | Tatiana Trejos, Ph.D.
Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium
Building an Efficient Laboratory Panel Discussion
The 2016 National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium (NSAPS) featured panelists, Timothy D. Kupferschmid, John A. Byrd, and Paul J. Speaker, discussed how research and development drives new technology and innovation. This session reviewed real-world examples of the implementation of improved evidence processing and organizational methods in laboratory systems. The symposium focused on how the nation is moving forward and finding solutions to the complex issues that arise in sexual assault cases and in testing sexual assault evidence.
National Forensic Science Week
2022 National Forensic Science Week FTCOE Student Research Poster Session
Prevalence, Persistence, and Probabilistic Study of Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residue in Shooter and Non-Shooter Populations | Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Ph.D.
NIJ Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium
2017 NIJ R&D Series Impression, Pattern, & Trace Evidence
Funding for these Forensic Technology Center of Excellence resources has been provided by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these resources are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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