Latent Fingerprints: Developing Methods and New Technology

Overview The first presentation given by Mark Dadmun is titled: Developing Methods to Improve the Quality and Efficiency of Latent Fingermark Development by Superglue Fuming. The second presentation given by Igor Pacheco and Brian Cerchiai titled: A Research Study for…

Webinar: Investigating Sexual Violence – Policy Forum: Emerging Solutions and Best Practices [Archival]

Overview This is the archival version of a two-hour Policy and Practices Forum which brings together experienced and knowledgeable subject matter experts in various fields contributing to the investigation and processing of cases involving sexual violence. The investigation of sexual…

Webinar: How to Increase your Staff without Increasing Budget [Archival]

Overview This archival webinar, the sixth in ASCLD’s webinar series, Confronting Crime Laboratory Backlogs: Causes, Solutions, Expectations. This webinar covers the methods for increasing your staff without increasing your budget. These methods have been proven successful within a state government…

Genome ID Forum 2014 – HD SNP Array for Forensic Casework

Overview Originally presented at the 2014 Genome ID Forum, Dr. Sandra Close presents her latest research, the application of high density SNP array technology applied to forensic casework. Dr. Close presents an overview of the platform, including chemistry, assay and…

Fingerprint Identification: Reliability and Accuracy

Overview New technology is constantly being tested by Researchers and Developers to help this vital tool move forward in today’s society. These new technologies will assist in furthering the accuracy and reliability of using latent fingerprints. Our featured presentations for…

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part IV

Overview This four-part panel discussion series will elucidate the current landscape of policies and procedures addressing familial DNA searching. Part IV In this particular session, the discussion focused around current technical protocols including software considerations, candidate thresholds derived by likelihood…