Webinar: A Close Look at 3D Microscopy for Firearms Identification [Archival]

Overview Firearms identification is undergoing a major change in capability with the adoption of optical topography, which provides a 3D view of the surface of a bullet or cartridge case to capture the full range of subclass and individual characteristics.…

The NC Statewide Medical Examiner System Laboratory Approach

← Back to Series  Overview This webinar will focus on the North Carolina Medical Examiner System and the toxicology laboratory that serves the system. Included will be information on the changing landscape of death certification and changes to the laboratory…

The Industry’s Role in Responding to the Opioid Crisis

← Back to Series  Overview This webinar will describe the role that the reference material manufacturer plays by providing the tools needed to respond to the current opioid epidemic. Whether by rapidly providing authentic reference standards of novel emerging drugs…

Predict Human Appearance From DNA Focusing On Pigmentation

← Back to Series  This webinar originally occurred on October 25, 2017 Duration: 2 hours Overview Principles, methods and applications of DNA-based prediction of human appearance traits for forensic and anthropological use with specific insights into eye, hair, and skin…