Online Workshop Series: Probabilistic Genotyping Of Evidentiary DNA Typing Results

Overview The Federal Bureau of Investigation Laboratory has partnered with the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence to create a series of online workshops aimed at increasing knowledge, understanding, and the reliable application of probabilistic genotyping to…

Module 1: The Elements of DNA Profile Interpretation and Probabilistic Genotyping

← Back to Series  This module originally occurred on May 1, 2019 Duration: 4 hours Overview Module 1: The Elements of DNA Profile Interpretation and Probabilistic Genotyping Based on the review of various forms of STR typing results and factors…

Neurophysiology and Overcoming Trauma: Understanding Individual Challenges

This webinar originally occurred on April 30, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This webinar explores how personal experiences and unique traumas create commonly felt physical symptoms and investigates how the brain functions reflect a reaction to danger, an action to…

Collaboration Enhances Trauma-Informed Response to Sexual Assault Survivors

This live webinar originally occurred on April 25, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview The Houston Area Women’s Center’s & Houston Police Department’s experiences will provide attendees greater insight into how collaboration across community- and systems-based advocacy can enhance law enforcement’s…

HHRRC – Building Forensic Capacity Post-Conflict: Lessons from Uganda

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 28, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This presentation introduces research conducted in Uganda at the nexus of forensic science and transitional justice, highlighting a large-scale forensic investigation and human identification…