gun & evidence

A Unique Approach to a Crime Gun Intelligence Center with the Inclusion and Support of 3D Virtual Comparison Technologies

This webinar originally occurred on February 10, 2022. Duration: 1.5 hours Overview Any effective Crime Gun Intelligence Program relies on the expeditious processing of firearms-related evidence to achieve the goal of intelligence led firearms-based investigations. The possible intelligence gained through…
Two scientists bumping elbows

Opportunities for NIJ Grantee Community Support

Driving forensic research to practice is a community effort. Support from practitioners, vendors, and other stakeholders help researchers develop value-adding innovation. Please consider how you may be able to assist NIJ grantees with specific needs to advance their work. GrantAffiliationDisciplineContact…
block letters that spell out the word Evidence

Understanding the Statistics Behind Forensic Conclusions Workshop Series

Interactive Workshop Duration: 20 hour(s) Since the dawn of forensic DNA analyses in the 1980s, legal and scientist scholars have pushed for strengthening the logical and statistical foundations of forensic science. In the U.S., this impulsion has resulted in reports…

Resources for Forensic Researchers Resources for Forensic Researchers The NIJ’s investment in forensic science R&D advances new technologies that improve the objective collection, analysis, and interpretation of evidence. The NIJ supports a portfolio of grantees developing techniques, tools, and processes to advance forensic…

2019 National Opioid and Emerging Drug Threats Policy and Practice Forum

  Strengthening Forensic Response and Informing Public Safety and Health   Overview The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) assisted the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in hosting the National Opioid and Emerging Drug Threats Policy and Practice Forum on…