Next Generation Sequencing Virtual Roundtable: Perspectives from Early Adopters and Researchers

Date August 2024 Overview In 2023, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE), in partnership with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), convened a virtual roundtable of forensic science service providers (FSSPs) and forensic science researchers with experience implementing next…

The Impacts of Governing Agency: A Comparison of Resources in the Patchwork of Medicolegal Death Investigation Systems

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, April 2024  Authors Hope M. Smiley-McDonald | RTI International Kelly A. Keyes | RTI International Sean Wire | RTI International Kathryn Greenwell | RTI International Nelson A. Santos | RTI International Jeri D. Ropero-Miller | RTI…

Technology Use Among the Nation’s Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices: Data from the 2018 Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, May 2024  Authors Liat C. Weinstein | RTI International Kelly A. Keyes | RTI International Connor Brooks | Bureau of Justice Statistics Micaela A. Ascolese | RTI International Hope M. Smiley-McDonald | RTI International Jeri…

DNA Recovery After Sequential Processing of Latent Fingerprints on Black Polyethylene Plastic

Publication Journal of Forensic Sciences, February 2024  Authors Abigail S. Bathrick | Bode Technology Sarah Norsworthy | RTI International Dane T. Plaza | Bode Technology Mallory N. McCormick | United States Secret Service Donia Slack | RTI International Robert S. Ramotowski | United States Secret Service …

White Paper – Information Sharing Between Medicolegal Death Investigators and Toxicology Testing Services

Date December 2023 Overview The National Institute of Justice (NIJ)—in partnership with its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) at RTI International and the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—convened a virtual Medicolegal Death…

Success Story: NIJ and The New York City OCME Validating Confirmatory Body Fluid Identification Assays for Real-World Impact

National Institute of Justice and The New York City OCME Date December 2023 Overview Support from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) enabled the New York City OCME to develop and validate proteomic mass spectrometry body fluid assays to support…

What FSSP Leaders Should Know about Artificial Intelligence and its Application to Forensic Science In-Brief

Date December 2023 Overview Artificial intelligence (AI), which leverages computers to perform tasks that enhance decision-making, problem-solving capabilities, and technology-driven innovativeness,” is a rapidly growing area of interest for both industry and the federal research and development (R&D) community.1 For forensic science service…

What Medical Examiner’s and Coroner’s Offices Should Know about Molecular Autopsy

Date December 2023 Overview A molecular autopsy consists of “postmortem genetic testing of decedents who died naturally, suddenly, and unexpectedly at young ages.” Molecular autopsies can enable a more accurate determination of cause of death in cases where the scene…