Date September 2014 Overview In 2010, the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) began the Data Collection on Forensic Service Providers project to determine the full scope of forensic science services provided in the United States beyond those offered in…
Category: Reports (page 15)
A Technical Evaluation of Crime Scene Imaging Technologies
Date December 2013 Overview Digital crime scene documentation has become an essential component in criminal investigations and the judicial process. In fact, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) imaging technologies allow law enforcement personnel to skillfully create high-resolution, 360 degree images or…
A Landscape Study of DNA Mixture Interpretation Software
Date October 2015 Overview Due to the influx of complex mixture data, the need for mixture interpretation software tools is of growing importance to the forensic DNA community. Given the availability of open-source and commercial software options, crime laboratories must…
2014 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE
Short Tandem Repeat Study Released Issue: Nov/Dec 2014 Page: 27 Click here to read the article Magneto-Optical technology shows promise in “Unerasing” Serial Numbers Issue: Sep/Oct 2014 Pages: 21-24 Click here to read the article Report Provides Insight Into Mobile ID Fingerprint Technology Issue: Jul/Aug 2014…
Success Story: Identifying Ignitable Liquids in Fire Debris and Providing Error Rates for Purposes of Testifying
National Institute of Justice and University of Central Florida Date November 2016 Overview Determining the presence of ignitable liquid residue among the fire debris in an arson investigation is a complicated forensic problem. Most ignitable liquids commonly encountered consist of…
Success Story: Improving Detection of Crime Scenes
National Institute of Justice and University of South Carolina Date August 2016 Overview The detection, collection, and analysis of blood evidence recovered from a crime scene is critical in a forensic investigation because of the potential DNA it carries. However,…
Success Story: Customizing NextGENe Software for Forensic Applications
National Institute of Justice and CHORI – Collaboration with SoftGenetics® and California Department of Justice Date April 2016 Overview Degraded and mixed DNA samples are often encountered in forensic cases and pose interpretation challenges. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers are ideal targets…
Success Story: Addressing a Key Challenge for PCR-Based Forensic Tests
National Institute of Justice and DNA Polymerase Technologies Date April 2016 Overview Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) inhibitors are present in blood, soil, and reagents, and represent a key challenge for PCR-based forensic tests, resulting in false negatives and poor sensitivity…
Success Story: Demonstrating Objectivity in Ballistic Identification
National Institute of Justice and Intelligent Automation, Inc. Date April 2015 Overview Firearms experts are seeking to strengthen their understanding of the accuracy and reliability of methods they use to associate fired ammunition recovered from a crime scene with a…
Success Story: Introducing New Methods for DNA Analysis
National Institute of Justice and Midwest Research Institute Date April 2015 Overview Dr. Micah Halpern, formerly of Midwest Research Institute, used National Institute of Justice (NIJ) research grants to develop a unique genotyping method that is capable of rapidly producing…