HHRRC – Building Forensic Capacity Post-Conflict: Lessons from Uganda

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 28, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This presentation introduces research conducted in Uganda at the nexus of forensic science and transitional justice, highlighting a large-scale forensic investigation and human identification…
microphone & headset

Just So You Know: AAFS Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center

← Back to Just Science Podcast Original Release Date: December 3, 2018 The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center (HHRRC) seeks to promote humanitarian and human rights in the field of forensic sciences and…

Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Human Trafficking Epidemic

This webinar originally occurred on November 1, 2018 Duration: 1 hour Overview Trafficking in persons is a multi-faceted global epidemic which has seen a significant increase in public awareness. However, there is a substantial need to expand capacities and technologies…

Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center Webinar Series

Overview The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center (HHRRC) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) with support from the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence provides needed resources and support to apply modern forensic science…

3D-ID-Geometric Morphometric Classification of Crania for Forensic Scientists Software Best Practices

This webinar originally occurred on August 16, 2018 Duration: 1 hour Overview Attendees will be introduced to the new features of the new software release, how to maximize results, and how to best interpret results for forensic casework application. The…

Evaluating the Use of DNA Analysis for Family Reunification

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 14th, 2018 Duration: 1 hour Overview DNA analysis allows for testing relationships (kinship) between two individuals in situations that vary from legal immigration to claimed parentage testing. This webinar focuses…

HHRRC – Stable Isotope Forensics & Unknown Persons Investigations

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on May 24, 2017 Duration: 2 hours Overview This webinar discussed applications of stable isotope analysis for predicting region of origin of unidentified border crossers found within the United States. Participants will…

HHRRC – Analysis and Conservation of Human Remains in Cambodia

← Back to Series The webinar originally occurred on May 16th, 2017 Duration: 1 hour Overview This presentation provides an introduction to the work conducted in Cambodia to analyze/preserve human remains from violence committed by the Khmer Rouge. Specifically the…