Drug Surveillance Initiatives: An FTCOE Repository of Resources

Date December 2023 Overview In the realm of drug surveillance, a multitude of data sources originate from diverse funding agencies, including but not limited to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Centers for Disease Control…

An Introduction to Drug Checking and its Role in Harm Reduction

Date July 2022 Overview Harm reduction is a set of strategies to help reduce health complications stemming from drug consumption. Harm reduction organizations provide resources that educate people who use drugs (and their family and friends) about safe drug use…

Legalization of Marijuana: The Journey of Marijuana Laws in Colorado and Ohio

← Back to ASCLD Train the Director Series This webinar originally occurred on April 5, 2022 Duration: 1 hour Overview The decriminalization of hemp and legalization of marijuana is not a new topic across the United States. With 37 states…
scientists in laboratory/marijuana flower

ASCLD Train the Director – Marijuana Analysis in a New Frontier: Two State Laboratory Approaches

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 5th, 2020 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview After the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill) was enacted in December 2018, many states rushed to make changes to their own laws…