Expert Forensic Communication: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

← Back to Webinar Series Page This webinar originally occurred on November 28, 2023 Duration: 1 hour Overview As global events, from the pandemic to the fentanyl crisis and climate disasters, increasingly focus attention on the work of forensic science…

FLN-TWG: A Roadmap to Improve Research and Technology Transition in Forensic Science

← Back to FLN-TWG Main Page  Forensic Laboratory Needs Technology Working Group (FLN-TWG) The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), in partnership with the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) at RTI International, formed the Forensic Laboratory Needs Technology Working Group…

Triaging Cases – Case Management and All That Means

← Back to Webinar Series Page This webinar originally occurred on January 31, 2023 Duration: 1 hour Overview This webinar will present laboratory managers with a discussion on case management in forensic science laboratories. All forensic science laboratories struggle with…

The State of Standard Development & Tools for Assessing and Implementing Standards

← Back to Webinar Series Page This webinar originally occurred on January 17, 2023 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This webinar will introduce attendees to the Organization of Scientific Area Committees for Forensic Science (OSAC) Registry of Standards, the International Organization…