Identify Synthetic Opioids using Ambient Ionization TOF-MS

← Back to Series  Overview This webinar will present the results of the evaluation of Direct Sample Analysis Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry to provide rapid identification of eighteen fentanyl analogs and related synthetic opioid. As of March 2016, the Drug Enforcement…

ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 2

This webinar originally occurred on May 25, 2017 Duration: 2 hours Overview Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics, can be challenging. The technology is ever more sensitive and analysts are testing a wider…

ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 1

Overview This webinar was targeted to DNA Supervisors, DNA Technical Leaders, Quality Mangers, and DNA Analysts. There was also a question and answer period after the presentation. Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics,…

A Landscape Study of Federal Investment in Forensic Science R&D

Date December 2016 Overview Federal government involvement in forensic science improvement has accelerated in recent years. Federal investments have transformed DNA capacity and demonstrated the power of scientific advances to address criminal justice challenges. In its 2009 report, Strengthening Forensic Science…

Organizing and Transferring SANE/SAFE/SART Knowledge and Best Practices

Date November 2014 Overview At the request of the National Institute of Justice, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) leads a comprehensive federal effort to organize and transfer knowledge and best practices of sexual assault nurse examiners, sexual assault forensic…

NIJ R&D Portfolio Management and Technology Transition Support

Date July 2014 Overview This report was developed by the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) to document the purpose of, and processes related to, the management of NIJ’s R&D portfolio to increase impact for forensic applications. The ultimate goal of…