
Application of the OSAC Registry of Standards to Forensic Science Service Providers’ Quality Systems

← Back to ASCLD Train the Director Series This webinar originally occurred on March 31, 2022 Duration: 1 hour Overview Since its official inception in 2014, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC)…
brain, DNA, bloodstain

Human Factors in Forensic Science Practice Sourcebook

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, March 2022 Editors Heidi Eldridge, PhD | RTI International Barbara A. Spellman, JD, PhD | University of Virginia School of Law Thomas Busey, PhD | Indiana University, Psychological and Brain Sciences Working Group Members Paul…
video screen

Capturing Key Research Outcomes Using Short Video Vignettes: A Guidance Document

Date February 2022 Author David Matthew | David Matthew LLC, Wichita, Kansas Overview This document outlines the process of designing engaging video vignettes to disseminate results from complex research projects in a manner that is easily digestible by practitioners. More…

Medical Examiner and Coroner Outsourcing Study – A Qualitative Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Date January 2022 Overview Medical examiners and coroners (MECs) are often at the center of highly stressful and emotional situations as a part of their daily job duties. Those events are compounded by continued and escalating high caseloads and inadequate…