ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 2

This webinar originally occurred on May 25, 2017 Duration: 2 hours Overview Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics, can be challenging. The technology is ever more sensitive and analysts are testing a wider…

ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 1

Overview This webinar was targeted to DNA Supervisors, DNA Technical Leaders, Quality Mangers, and DNA Analysts. There was also a question and answer period after the presentation. Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics,…

Latent Fingerprints: Reducing Erroneous Exclusions

Overview This presentation discusses reducing erroneous exclusions in latent fingerprints. The exclusion decision is a fairly recent change in latent print comparisons, and the discipline is still struggling with how to handle exclusions. Erroneous exclusions are being discovered with surprising…

Familial DNA Searching: Current Approaches – Part IV

Overview This four-part panel discussion series will elucidate the current landscape of policies and procedures addressing familial DNA searching. Part IV In this particular session, the discussion focused around current technical protocols including software considerations, candidate thresholds derived by likelihood…

ASCLD Webinar Series: Rapid DNA, the QAS and NDIS Part I

Overview The American Society of Crime Lab Directors, along with RTI International, have produced this webinar series designed to investigate the validation, current use, and future implementation of Rapid DNA. This is the first archival of this three-part series that…