HHRRC – Building Forensic Capacity Post-Conflict: Lessons from Uganda

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on March 28, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This presentation introduces research conducted in Uganda at the nexus of forensic science and transitional justice, highlighting a large-scale forensic investigation and human identification…

HHRRC – Stable Isotope Analysis in a Humanitarian Context

← Back to Series The webinar originally occurred on March 12, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This webinar will introduce stable isotope analysis and its validity as analytical tool in establishing the geographic origin and life history of unidentified individuals…

HHRRC – Isotopes Aiding Identification of Undocumented Border Crosser Human Remains

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on February 6, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview This webinar highlights the theory and methods of isotopic analysis to explain how it can be used to assist in the identification of human…

Success Story: Uncovering Key Details of Skeletal Remains through 3D-ID Software

National Institute of Justice and North Carolina State University Date January 2019 Overview When forensic anthropologists investigate unidentified remains, they look for important clues that can help identify the subject. For example, the size and shape of the skull can…
microphone & headset

Just Planning For The Aftermath Of A Mass Shooting

← Back to Just Science Podcast Original Release Date: October 22, 2018 In episode four of our 2018 Medicolegal Death Investigation Special Release Season, Just Science interviews John Fudenberg, the Coroner for Clark County, where he discusses the tragic events of the 2017 concert…

Variability in Blow-Fly Development – Research and Implications for PMI Practice

This webinar originally occurred on November 7, 2018 Duration: 2 hours Overview Dr. Leon Higley’s work to characterize blow-fly species indicates that there is variation within a single population–the bell curve is wide. Dr. Higley will share his research and…