microphone and headphones

Just Blowflies and Extreme Temperatures

Original Release Date: April 17, 2020 In episode five of the 2020 R&D Season, Just Science interviews Dr. Travis Rusch, a postdoctoral research associate at Texas A&M University, about fluctuating temperatures in forensically important blowflies. Forensic entomologists use predictable developmental rates of certain necrophagus insects to estimate time of…
microphone and headphones

Just Skeletal Remains Identification

Original Release Date: March 27, 2020 In episode two of the 2020 R&D Season, Just Science interviews Dr. Heather Garvin-Elling, Associate Professor of Anatomy at Des Moines University, about her work with OSTEOID, an online resource for species identification of skeletal remains. Approximately 30-40% of cases involving…

3D-ID-Geometric Morphometric Classification of Crania for Forensic Scientists Software Best Practices

This webinar originally occurred on August 16, 2018 Duration: 1 hour Overview Attendees will be introduced to the new features of the new software release, how to maximize results, and how to best interpret results for forensic casework application. The…

Success Story: Maximizing the Use of Mitochondrial DNA in Identifying Remains and Aiding Missing Persons Casework

National Institute of Justice and the American Registry of Pathology Date April 2018 Overview Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) serves as an important tool in situations where traditional nuclear DNA analysis is unlikely to yield probative information. mtDNA sequencing has traditionally focused…