A Landscape Study of Federal Investment in Forensic Science R&D

Date December 2016 Overview Federal government involvement in forensic science improvement has accelerated in recent years. Federal investments have transformed DNA capacity and demonstrated the power of scientific advances to address criminal justice challenges. In its 2009 report, Strengthening Forensic Science…

State Forensic Science Commissions

Date November 2016 Overview State commissions focus on communication and collaboration among laboratories and stakeholders, allocation of resources, laboratory improvements, promulgation of accreditation and certification standards, investigations into misconduct or professional negligence in crime laboratories, and other implementation and oversight issues.…

A Validation and Evaluation of Magneto-Optical Imaging Technology

Date August 2015 Overview Serial Numbers are removed from firearms in an effort to prevent tracking. MO sensor technology is a non-destructive method for restoring serial number identification in firearms. Phase II of this FTCOE technology evaluation validates the detection and…

Organic GSR Analysis for Potential Shooter Determination

Date May 2015 Overview Through the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE), West Virginia University (WVU) evaluated emerging approaches for the detection of gunshot residue (GSR) based on organic materials in the residue. One instrument was…

Forensic Optical Topography Working Group Meeting

Date April 2015 Overview Primarily, the working group will examine optical topography instruments, methods, data systems, and analysis from a practical perspective for ballistic and tool mark identification. The meeting participants considered current technologies for optical topography, including the requirements for…

Organizing and Transferring SANE/SAFE/SART Knowledge and Best Practices

Date November 2014 Overview At the request of the National Institute of Justice, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) leads a comprehensive federal effort to organize and transfer knowledge and best practices of sexual assault nurse examiners, sexual assault forensic…