Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium

Overview The National Institute of Justice, the research and development arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington, DC.…

2013 R&D: Straight to the Bone: Advances in Forensic Anthropology

Overview This archival portion of the 2013 R&D Seminar Series covers the following presentations: • Improving Sex Estimation from Crania using 3-Dimensional CT Scans – Natalie Shirley • Independent Validation Test of Microscopic Saw Mark Analysis – Jennifer Love • A…

2016 NSAPS: Panel 3 – Investigating Sexual Assault Webinar [Archival]

Overview The National Institute of Justice, through its Forensic Technology Center of Excellence hosted “Looking Ahead: The National Sexual Assault Policy Symposium” on September 8-9, 2016, in Washington D.C. The panel highlighted the complexities of investigating sexual assault cases and…

2017 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE

FTCoE Opioid Webinar Series Shares Knowledge, Promotes Collaboration  Issue: November 2017 Click here to read the article Forensic Technology Center of Excellence Launches Podcast Series Issue: July/August 2017 Pages: 8-10 Click here to read the article Optical Topography Report: Findings, Methodology, Recommendations Issue: May 2017 Pages: 8-13…

2015 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE

Gunshot Residue Analysis Featured in New FTCOE Report Series Issue: Sep/Oct 2015 Pages: 3-8 Click here to read the article Familial DNA Project: Engaging Stakeholders, Sharing Opinions Issue: May/Jun 2015 Pages: 13-14 Click here to read the article Cutting-Edge Vacuum Technology: Locates hard to find…

Basics of Microbiology as they Apply to Forensics

Overview Dr. Bruce Budowle, of the University of North Texas Health Science Center, and Dr. Dana Kadavy, Director of Biological Sciences at Signature Science, LLC, presented on microbiology, pathogens, human microbiome, and genetic engineering/synthetic biology. Participants will gain a better…