gloved hand holding up small plastic bag containing white powder

ASCLD Emerging Issues: Employee Wellness – Drug Exposures in the Forensic Laboratory: What We Know, What We Can Learn

← Back to ASCLD Employee Wellness Series This webinar originally occurred on June 25, 2020 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview The recent rise in the illicit trade of highly toxic, synthetic drugs such as fentanyl has introduced a new set of…
Skyline view of Phoenix, AZ

ASCLD Emerging Issues: Employee Wellness – Stress, Vicarious Trauma, and Resiliency for Forensic Science Professionals

← Back to ASCLD Employee Wellness Series ← Back to Forensic Workforce Resiliency Series This webinar originally occurred on June 11, 2020 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview The phenomena of vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue, and burnout have been described since the…
fire and hexagon tiles

Comparison of Portable and Benchtop GC–MS Coupled to Capillary Microextraction of Volatiles for the Extraction and Analysis of Ignitable Liquid Residues

← Additional Portable Instrumentation for On-Scene Fire Debris Analysis Resources Publication Forensic Chemistry, June 2020 Authors Michelle N. Torres | Florida International University Nicole B. Valdes | Florida International University José R. Almirall | Florida International University Abstract A novel…
microphone and headphones

Just Applied Leadership for Resiliency in CSIs

Original Release Date: May 25, 2020  In this special release episode of Just Science, we sat down with Ashley Church and Erin West, founders of Gap Science, to discuss stress and resiliency in crime scene investigators.  Traumatic death investigation can have adverse, long-term effects on crime scene…
man pointing at digital icons on futuristic computer screen

Managing an Accredited Digital Forensics Laboratory

This webinar originally occurred on July 1, 2020 Duration: 1 hour Overview In a 1-hour presentation, this webinar will address challenges unique to managing digital forensics laboratories seeking or maintaining accreditation. Participants will explore current challenges facing digital forensics laboratories…
fire burning on second floor of building

Ventilation Limited Fires: Considerations for Fire Pattern Analysis

This webinar originally occurred on June 10, 2020 Duration: 1 hour Overview During the past decade, the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute has conducted research examining fire-fighting tactics.  This research found that factors such as construction materials, contents, size, and…
block letters that spell out the word Evidence

Understanding the Statistics Behind Forensic Conclusions Workshop Series

Interactive Workshop Duration: 20 hour(s) Since the dawn of forensic DNA analyses in the 1980s, legal and scientist scholars have pushed for strengthening the logical and statistical foundations of forensic science. In the U.S., this impulsion has resulted in reports…