Scientist working from home

ASCLD Emerging Issues: COVID-19 – Remote Work in the Forensic Lab

← Back to Series  This webinar originally occurred on March 17, 2021 Duration: 1 hour Overview The COVID-19 pandemic has had an immeasurable impact on workplaces around the world. Organizations have had to rapidly implement operational changes in order to…

Trauma and Coping Mechanisms Exhibited by Forensic Science Practitioners: A Literature Review

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, October 2020 Author Donia P. Slack | RTI International Abstract Vicarious trauma (VT) has been studied in mental health experts for over 30 years due to their engagement with victims of trauma and exposure to…
microphone and headphones

Just the Impact of Disturbing Media

Original Release Date: September 3, 2020 In episode eight of our 2020 Digital Evidence season, Just Science interviews Dr. Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar from Purdue University about the impact of disturbing media on forensic professionals. Repeated exposure to violent and graphic media can have long-term negative effects on…
hands holding up sign that reads Employee Wellness

ASCLD Emerging Issues: Employee Wellness – Tackling Employee Wellness: The Phoenix Police Department’s Crime Lab Approach

← Back to ASCLD Employee Wellness Series ← Back to Forensic Workforce Resiliency Series This webinar originally occurred on June 18th, 2020 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview Organizations often struggle with building supportive organizational cultures, employee morale, and interpersonal relationships. The…
Blood spatter on a white wall

Communicating Conclusions in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis

This webinar originally occurred on December 11, 2019 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview The results of a bloodstain pattern analysis are communicated through written reports and courtroom testimony.  Principles of communication science will be discussed and explained to develop the audience’s…
five scientists having a discussion behind glass

Handling Difficult and Disturbing Forensic Cases for Coroners and Medical Examiners

← Back to Series This webinar originally occurred on October 17, 2019 Duration: 1 hour Overview There are over 2000 medical examiner and coroner offices throughout the United States. All are involved in determining the cause and manner of death…

Juror comprehension of forensic expert testimony: A literature review and gap analysis

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, March 2019 Author Heidi Eldridge | RTI International Abstract Forensic scientists and commentators including academics and statisticians have been embroiled in a debate over the best way to present evidence in the courtroom. Various forms…