Risk Management for Forensic Laboratories Webinar Series

Overview This webinar series explores the benefits of using risk-based thinking and risk management principles to assist in managing forensic laboratories. By employing a risk-based approach, laboratory managers better understand their decisions’ effects and impact on laboratory activities. From evaluating…

What Keeps You Awake at Night: Risk, Leading Change, and Challenging Decisions

← Back to Risk Management for Forensic Laboratories Webinar Series This webinar originally occurred on July 26, 2022 Duration: 1 hour Overview In a recent conversation, the Colonel of the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) asked the presenter, the Director…
brain, DNA, bloodstain

Human Factors in Forensic Science Practice Sourcebook

Publication Forensic Science International: Synergy, March 2022 Editors Heidi Eldridge, PhD | RTI International Barbara A. Spellman, JD, PhD | University of Virginia School of Law Thomas Busey, PhD | Indiana University, Psychological and Brain Sciences Working Group Members Paul…

Virtual Workshop: Understanding Sexual Assault Trauma and Considerations for Conducting a Trauma-Informed Interview

Overview Due to the successful response and engagement received from the Just Science podcast episode titled “Just Trauma-Informed Victim-Centered Interviewing” from the 2021 Research and Considerations for Sexual Assault Cases season, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Forensic…

Medical Examiner and Coroner Outsourcing Study – A Qualitative Study and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Date January 2022 Overview Medical examiners and coroners (MECs) are often at the center of highly stressful and emotional situations as a part of their daily job duties. Those events are compounded by continued and escalating high caseloads and inadequate…
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 Just the Impression and Pattern/Trace Evidence Portfolio

Original Release Date: June 11, 2021 In episode two of our 2021 NIJ R&D and Beyond mini season, Just Science sat down with Dr. Gregory Dutton, a physical scientist in the Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences at the National Institute of Justice, to discuss NIJ’s Impression, Pattern, and Trace…