Foundational Statistics for Forensic Toxicology Webinar Series

Overview In the field of Forensic Toxicology, numerical data and statistics abound, appearing in quantitative analyses, quality control, measurement uncertainty, proficiency testing, method validation, experimental design, peer-reviewed journal articles, business analytics, and more. Foundational statistical knowledge is critical to understanding…

Laboratory Information Management Systems in Forensic Science Service Provider Laboratories: Current State and Next Generation

Date July 2024 Overview The National Institute of Justice (NIJ), in partnership with the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) at RTI International, formed the Forensic Laboratory Needs Technology Working Group (FLN-TWG). The FLN-TWG supports NIJ’s mission to improve knowledge…

FITS—Functional Implementation of Thorough and Systematic Approaches for Fracture Examinations

This webinar originally occurred on June 4, 2024 Duration: 1 hour Overview The separation of materials such as tape, plastics, and textiles from their original source frequently occurs during violent activities, leaving distinct patterns along the fractured edges. These features…

A National Snapshot of Publicly Funded Crime Laboratory Operations

← Back to Webinar Series Page This webinar originally occurred on April 2, 2024 Duration: 1 hour Overview Crime labs perform a variety of forensic analyses for federal, state, and local criminal justice agencies, examining and reporting on physical evidence…

What FSSP Leaders Should Know about Artificial Intelligence and its Application to Forensic Science In-Brief

Date December 2023 Overview Artificial intelligence (AI), which leverages computers to perform tasks that enhance decision-making, problem-solving capabilities, and technology-driven innovativeness,” is a rapidly growing area of interest for both industry and the federal research and development (R&D) community.1 For forensic science service…

Validation of a Confirmatory Proteomic Mass Spectrometry Body Fluid Assay

← Back to Webinar Series Page This webinar originally occurred on December 7, 2023 Duration: 1 hour Overview With increasingly sensitive forensic methods for DNA detection, the source from which a DNA profile is obtained becomes increasingly important. Was an…
lady justice

2023 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Webinar Series: Novel Research on Sexual Assault

Overview This April, in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence will be releasing a series of webinars covering topics related to novel research on various sexual assault topics. Tune in as our presenters discuss…