Date April 2015 Overview Primarily, the working group will examine optical topography instruments, methods, data systems, and analysis from a practical perspective for ballistic and tool mark identification. The meeting participants considered current technologies for optical topography, including the requirements for…
Category: Firearm & Toolmarks (page 5)
An Evaluation and Utility Assessment of Magneto-Optical Sensor Technology
Date March 2014 Overview The discovery of more effective methods to detect and restore erased markings in firearms is of great interest to firearm examiners, in particular the invention of new non‐destructive methods. Magneto optical (MO) sensor technology may address this…
False-Positive and False-Negative Error Rates in Cartridge
Overview This webinar was presented to discuss the results and implications of an error rate study of cartridge case comparisons. The study was designed to measure false positive and false negative error rates of examiner comparisons of fired cartridge cases.…
2014 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE
Short Tandem Repeat Study Released Issue: Nov/Dec 2014 Page: 27 Click here to read the article Magneto-Optical technology shows promise in “Unerasing” Serial Numbers Issue: Sep/Oct 2014 Pages: 21-24 Click here to read the article Report Provides Insight Into Mobile ID Fingerprint Technology Issue: Jul/Aug 2014…
Success Story: Demonstrating Objectivity in Ballistic Identification
National Institute of Justice and Intelligent Automation, Inc. Date April 2015 Overview Firearms experts are seeking to strengthen their understanding of the accuracy and reliability of methods they use to associate fired ammunition recovered from a crime scene with a…