Bloodstain Pattern Analysis on Textiles: A Technology Transition Workshop

   Title Bloodstain Pattern Analysis on Textiles: A Technology Transition Workshop Date & Time October 11th-13th, 2017 8:00AM – 5:00PM Location Raleigh, NC Venue North Carolina State University Instructor Dr. Stephen Michielsen Description Every year, millions of items of…

2015 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE

Gunshot Residue Analysis Featured in New FTCOE Report Series Issue: Sep/Oct 2015 Pages: 3-8 Click here to read the article Familial DNA Project: Engaging Stakeholders, Sharing Opinions Issue: May/Jun 2015 Pages: 13-14 Click here to read the article Cutting-Edge Vacuum Technology: Locates hard to find…

A Landscape Study of Handheld and Portable Raman Spectrometers

Date September 2014 Overview This report provides a “landscape” view of the issues and products associated with field portable Raman spectrometers for the identification of powders, liquids, gels, or tablets. The document is intended to furnish law enforcement, first responders, and…