A Landscape Study of SOPs to Collect and Process Arrestee and Convicted Offender DNA Samples

Date September 2018 Overview The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE) is conducting a landscape study and root cause analysis which seeks to (1) identify factors that may result in potential barriers related to the collection, testing, and uploading of…

Advancing Research Initiatives and Combatting the Human Trafficking Epidemic

This webinar originally occurred on November 1, 2018 Duration: 1 hour Overview Trafficking in persons is a multi-faceted global epidemic which has seen a significant increase in public awareness. However, there is a substantial need to expand capacities and technologies…

Estimating Blow Fly Age and Reducing Error in Postmortem Interval Cases

This webinar originally occurred on October 24, 2018 Duration: 2 hours Overview Insect evidence can provide valuable information during death investigations. Forensic entomologists estimate the ages of the immature insects like blow flies, which can provide useful information regarding timelines…

New SWGDAM Recommendations on Communicating Likelihood Ratios

This webinar originally occurred on October 18, 2018 Duration: 2 hours Overview SWGDAM recently issued recommendations on genotyping results reported as likelihood ratios, designed to promote consistency among laboratories. Members of the committee will discuss the recommendations and their foundations.…

Mixtures, Microhaps, and Modeling, Oh My!! Cutting-Edge Research in Forensic DNA Analysis from Early-Career Scientists

This webinar originally occurred on September 18, 2018 Duration: 1.5 hours Overview During National Forensic Science Week, early-career researchers that were awarded FTCOE travel sponsorships to the prestigious Gordon Research Conference and Seminar will present novel projects in forensic DNA…

Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center Webinar Series

Overview The Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center (HHRRC) of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) with support from the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence provides needed resources and support to apply modern forensic science…