ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 2

This webinar originally occurred on May 25, 2017 Duration: 2 hours Overview Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics, can be challenging. The technology is ever more sensitive and analysts are testing a wider…

ASCLD Webinar Series: DNA Standards and Guidelines Part 1

Overview This webinar was targeted to DNA Supervisors, DNA Technical Leaders, Quality Mangers, and DNA Analysts. There was also a question and answer period after the presentation. Forensic DNA Analysis, and in particular interpreting complex DNA mixtures and calculating statistics,…

2015 TechBeat Articles Featuring the FTCOE

Gunshot Residue Analysis Featured in New FTCOE Report Series Issue: Sep/Oct 2015 Pages: 3-8 Click here to read the article Familial DNA Project: Engaging Stakeholders, Sharing Opinions Issue: May/Jun 2015 Pages: 13-14 Click here to read the article Cutting-Edge Vacuum Technology: Locates hard to find…

Genome ID Forum 2014 – The Critical Role of SNPs in the Future of Forensics

Overview Originally presented at the 2014 Genome ID Forum, this presentation appraises the potential value of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) as applied to forensic analysis, including ancestry inference, phenotypic inference and individual identification. The discussion focuses strongly on the relevance…