
Just Fingerprints And Lasers

Just Fingerprints And Lasers

Original Release Date: November 27, 2020

In episode four of the 2020 Case Studies Season, Just Science sat down with forensic consultant, author, and instructor Brian Dalrymple to discuss his research and impact on the field of latent print identification.

In 1977, a team of researchers developed a method for detecting fingerprints by examining inherent fluorescence using an argon ion laser. This new technology revolutionized the field of latent print identification. Brian Dalrymple was an original member of that research team, but his career did not stop there. He has completed approximately 100 examinations of murder victims for fingerprint evidence, authored several journal articles and books, and contributed to the widespread adoption of lasers used for detection. Listen along as he discusses the origins of his research and methods for examining bodies for fingerprints in this episode of Just Science.

This episode of Just Science is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence [Award 2016-MU-BX-K110].

Listen to or download the episode here:

Guest Biography

Brian Dalrymple was part of the original research team that introduced lasers in 1977. He retired in 1999 from the Ontario Provincial Police as Manager, Forensic Identification Services. He initiated the first computer evidence enhancement system in Canada in 1991. He initiated and co-wrote the SOP for body examination for the province of Ontario and during his career, completed approximately 100 examinations of murder victims for fingerprint evidence. He is currently a forensic consultant (Brian Dalrymple & Associates), an instructor for Ron Smith and Associates, and an adjunct professor at Laurentian University. He is the recipient of the Dondero Award (International Association for Identification), the Foster Award (Canadian Identification Society) and the Lewis Minshall Award (The Fingerprint Society).

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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