About Us

The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCOE), led by RTI International, is supported through a Cooperative Agreement with the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (awards 15PNIJ-21-GK-02192-MUMU, 2016-MU-BX-K110, & 2011-DN-BX-K564). The FTCOE supports the implementation of new forensic technology and best practices by end users and is dedicated to elevating the status of forensic science through advancing technology, sharing knowledge, and addressing challenges. The FTCOE bridges the gap between the scientific and justice communities.

View Annual Infographics

Advancing Technology | The FTCOE manages the testing and evaluation of emerging technologies applicable to forensic science. By identifying and removing the potential barriers that often derail the implementation and acceptance of new and innovative technologies, the FTCOE places promising technical innovations in the hands of forward-thinking practitioners, stakeholders, and policy makers. This is achieved through technical evaluation, technical assistance, and guidance resources.

Sharing Knowledge | The FTCOE provides knowledge transfer and integration which strengthens the connection between forensic discovery and forensic process using a blended learning environment consisting of web-based presentations, workshops, specialized events and discussions panels.

Addressing Challenges | The FTCOE is an established leader in the expeditious transition of research into the hands of practitioners. We understand the user needs, and through our support of the NIJ’s Research and Development (R&D) portfolio, we identify and employ the requirements necessary to drive the adoption of research and development outcomes. To learn more about how the FTCOE supports the NIJ’s R&D portfolio and provides technology transition support.

Our Partners

American Academy of Forensic Sciences
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
Center for Forensic Science Research and Education
George Mason University
Marshall University
Mississippi State University
North Carolina State University
West Virginia University

Want to partner with the FTCOE? Email us at ForensicCOE@rti.org.

A Snapshot of Our Collaborators

Want to get in touch with the FTCOE?
We'd love to hear from you. Here's how you can reach us.
1-866-252-8415  |  ForensicCOE@rti.org

Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Eastern.
Reach out to submit an idea, request a course, or inquire about an opportunity with the FTCOE.
Please include your name and the best way to contact you in any messages sent.

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