
Just the Innocence Project

Just the Innocence Project

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Original Release Date: February 7, 2020

In episode four of our 2020 Improving the System season, Just Science interviews Sarah Chu, Senior Adviser on Forensic Science Policy at the Innocence Project, about their work to end wrongful conviction. Currently, there are over 2,500 cases on the National Registry of Exonerations. Organizations like the Innocence Project work tirelessly to put an end to wrongful convictions. They rely on people familiar with both policy and forensic science – people like Sarah Chu. Listen along as she discusses the Innocence Project and the impact that it has had on the criminal justice system in this episode of Just Science. 

The recording originally took place on May 5th, 2018 and some data may have changed since then

The paper referenced by Sarah in the podcast "INNOCENCE PROJECT: DNA EXONERATIONS, 1989-2014: REVIEW OF DATA AND FINDINGS FROM THE FIRST 25 YEARS" written by Emily West, Ph.D. and Vanessa Meterko, M.A., states that there were 73 cases involving hair microscopy problems, not 70. To read the article click here.

This episode of Just Science is funded by the National Institute of Justice’s Forensic Technology Center of Excellence [Award 2016-MU-BX-K110].

Listen to or download the episode here:

Guest Biography

Sarah Chu joined the Innocence Project in September 2008. As the Senior Advisor on Forensic Science Policy, she supports policy work that focuses on improving the validity and reliability of forensic science. Prior to joining the Innocence Project, Sarah worked in executive search and as a middle school science teacher in the NYC public schools. She also represents her community on her local community board. During her academic career, Sarah published work in plant biology and musculoskeletal epidemiology. Sarah graduated from the University of California, San Diego with bachelor degrees in Biochemistry/Cell Biology, Communication, and a Masters in Biology. She also holds a Masters in Epidemiology from Stanford University.

The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this podcast episode are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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