A Message from the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence
As we move into 2025, we want to express our deep appreciation for your continued engagement and support. We are proud to contribute to advancing both the science and the real-world applications which would not be possible without your expertise, participation, and feedback. Your insights are invaluable and help us plan for the year ahead.
The Forensic Technology Center of Excellence’s (FTCOE) ongoing commitment to bridging the gap between the scientific and justice sectors remains at the core of our mission. Through innovation, knowledge-sharing, and problem-solving, we continue to address the challenges that impact our field and enhance the integration of technology within forensic practices. In 2024, the FTCOE hosted 2 virtual workshops, 2 symposiums, the HHRRC Virtual Library, and 26 webinars that garnered interest from the international forensic community. The FTCOE released a variety of resources and activities for National Forensic Science Week, 3 tools, 4 podcast seasons, and 18 reports, including 8 journal articles and an NIJ Success Story, all rooted in evidence-based practice and geared towards forensic professionals and the greater criminal justice community.
We invite you to stay connected with us – feel free to reach out at ForensicCOE@rti.org with any questions, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates. Thank you for being an essential part of the FTCOE community. We look forward to another impactful year ahead, with even more to share and learn together!
Click the links below to see previous years' annual reviews and infographics.
Top 5 Webinars
Click the left and right arrows to scroll through the most popular live webinars of 2024.
Webinar Series
ASCLD Emerging Issues
- Advancing Research and Collaborative Research Partnerships in Forensic Science
- The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part I
- The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part II
- We Did It! You can too! An Inside Perspective to Implementing Standards on the OSAC Registry
Foundational Statistics for Forensic Toxicology
- Session 1 | Intro & Basics
- Session 2 | Distributions & Standard Deviation
- Session 3 | Statistical Tests and Hypothesis Testing
- Session 4 | Use of Controls and Other Control Chart Elements
- Session 5 | Calculation of Type A Data from Control Data for Measurement Uncertainty
- Session 6 | Let’s Talk About Stats
Additional Webinars
- Forensic Use of GPR and LiDAR Technology for Clandestine Grave Detection
- FITS—Functional Implementation of Thorough and Systematic Approaches for Fracture Examinations
- Using Objective Criteria for Bloodstain Pattern Classification
- The Forensic Examination and Comparison of Plastic Garbage Bags
- Assessing Stress Among MDI & Building Resilient Professionals
2024 Seasons
Community-based Solutions for Substance Use Challenges
- Just Improving Forensic Toxicology Testing in DC
- Just Rapidly Identifying Drugs Involved in Suspected Overdoses
- Just Wastewater Drug Surveillance in Kentucky
- Just Increasing Access to Drug-Checking Services
- Just Navigating Reentry Using Peer Support
- Just Outreach Teams for Substance Use in Rural Nevada
- Just All Hands On DECK for Drug Endangered Youth
- Just Public Health and Safety Data Sharing in Georgia
Top Podcast Episodes
Click the left and right arrows to learn more about the most popular episode from each 2024 season.
Forensic Science Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Application
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a risk management tool that identifies and quantifies the influence of failures or potential failures in processes or activities. The application automates FMEA by evaluating the level of risk associated with an area of concern or non-conformance in forensic laboratory processes.
Latent Print Technical Leader Working Group
The Latent Print Technical Leader Working Group (LPTL-WG) is an emerging community of latent print technical leaders from local, state, federal, tribal, and international agencies. The primary goal of the LPTL-WG is to provide the latent print community with a coordinated means of communication and collaboration on key topics within the discipline.
Rapid DNA Mass Disaster Emergency Response and Preparedness Toolkit
This toolkit, developed in collaboration with Marshall University Forensic Science Center (MUFSC), supports the immediate deployment of rapid DNA instrumentation for mass disaster events through developed materials and relevant resources.
Virtual Workshop Series: 3D Firearm Imaging
This four-session series introduces the fundamentals of firearm imaging, best practices and validation standards, casework efficiency through LIMS integration, effective communication in a courtroom, and expert testimony techniques.
Improving Consistency in Forensic Reporting Through DEA’s GUARDS Comprehensive Methodology
This workshop aims to provide attendees with an understanding of the history of the GUARDS method, the impact it will have in the forensic community, and resources to support the setup of this methodology in your laboratory.
2024 NIJ Forensic Science R&D Symposium
Watch all 16 recorded podium presentations and browse the virtual poster gallery featuring NIJ-funded research across a variety of forensic science areas. The R&D Symposium brings together practitioners and researchers to enhance information-sharing with the goal of moving research from theory to practice.
Humanitarian and Human Rights Resource Center Virtual Library 2024
The HHRRC hosted an in-person poster session where attendees had the opportunity to meet HHRRC researchers and learn about the application of contemporary forensic science and forensic medicine principles to global humanitarian or human rights projects requiring special forensic assistance.
2024 National Forensic Science Week
National Forensic Science Week recognizes the contribution that forensic science makes to the criminal justice system. Throughout the week the FTCOE released clues to another Murder Mystery Event, this year's NIJ Graduate Research Symposium, fingerprint and DNA Teacher How-To Guides, and forensic science themed puzzles.
Top 10 Reports
Click the left and right arrows to scroll through the top 10 most downloaded reports of 2024.
Check out all the 2024 reports, briefs, journal articles, and more below!
Journal Articles
- Mass Fatality and Disaster Response Preparedness Across Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices in the United States
- Evidence-Based Evaluation of the Analytical Schemes in ASTM E2329-17 Standard Practice for Identification of Seized Drugs for Methamphetamine Samples
- Discussion of the FTCOE’s Guidance Document on Considerations for Photographic Documentation in Sexual Assault Cases
- DNA Recovery After Sequential Processing of Latent Fingerprints on Black Polyethylene Plastic
- Intelligence and the Value of Forensic Science
- The Impacts of Governing Agency: A Comparison of Resources in the Patchwork of Medicolegal Death Investigation Systems
- Technology Use Among the Nation’s Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices: Data from the 2018 Census of Medical Examiner and Coroner Offices
Contact us at ForensicCOE@rti.org with any questions and subscribe to our newsletter for notifications.